Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Reading/listening exam

Monday 4th Nov
Please be at the East Lecture Theatre (map here or search for Latrobe uni campus map) On the map the ELT is at E6, to the right of Agora.
Be there at 8.45 at the latest!!

Good luck

Monday, 28 October 2013

Week 9 - Improving your listening

Easy listening:
Some students have asked me how to improve listening and note-taking, and how to remember new words. This listening website can help you do all of this.
Look at the  video stories and find a story that interests you.
Listen to the report 2 or 3 times and take notes as you listen. Don't look at the script yet - remember you are concentrating on your listening.
When you are happy with your notetaking, look at the script to check you haven't missed anything important.
Then do the vocabulary exercise at the bottom of the page. Add any new words to your vocabulary book.
Finally, use your notes to write a short summary of the news report. This will help you with your paraphrasing (writing in your own words).
If you find this exercise difficult, you need to do a lot more work on your listening. Choose another story and repeat the process above.
If you find the exercise easy try ......
A bigger challenge!!
Go to TED talks and listen to Jason Pontin talk about some of the challenges of using technology effectively to solve the world's big problems.
Listen to the report 2 or 3 times and take notes as you listen. Don't look at the script yet - remember you are concentrating on your listening. Add any new words to your vocabulary book.

When you are happy with your notetaking, look at the script to check you haven't missed anything important.
Finally, use your notes to write a short summary of the news report. This will help you with your paraphrasing (writing in your own words).

(You can find some more interesting/challenging talks at TED)
Show me your summaries.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

CALL week 8 - Essay Plan, Adjective clauses

1.   Writing - persuasive essay

Complete the tasks for your essay referencing from last week's blog.
I need a printout of your reference list for your sources - this is part of your Essay Plan assessment

2.   Grammar practice

i)    Here are some practice exercises for adjective clauses using:
whose , when/where , who/whom .
Do the exercises and check why your answers are correct or not.

ii)   Use these exercises to practise the participle phrases we did on Monday: Participle phrase 1, participle phrase 2


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Week 7 CALL - referencing and sources


Here is the link to the APA referencing booklet that I've given you.

There are also some quizzes here which will help you practise your reference list. Do this quiz - use your referencing guide to help you.

Write the full reference (using APA guidelines) for your 4 persuasive essay articles (in Word) and give it to me.

Searching for sources:

http://scholar.google.com.au/ is a good start for your research:

Search for your 2 extra articles. Print and highlight the information you can use to support your essay.
Complete the chart on p139,140 of your student book.

Monday, 7 October 2013

CALL week 6 - Evaluating sources for your essay

Social media and young people

1.   After a quick search of the internet, a student has found these articles which may be relevant for the persuasive essay. Your task is to evaluate these sources and find which ones are suitable to use and which ones are not.

Print this table and answer the questions for each article. Show me when you've finished.

Article 1 - Social media and young adults
Article 2 - Social media
Article 3 - Social media fuel dangerous weight loss goal

2.   Now do an internet search for yourself to find two articles to support your persuasive essay.
  • Evaluate each article so you know whether it is suitable to use.
  • Fill out the information on p 140 of your student book.
You will need to have this table completed with 4 articles (2 from your writing booklet and 2 from your research) by week 7. Your outline is due in Week 8.